Olympic Spirit
When Pierre de Coubertin originally designed the Olympic emblem back in 1913, he wanted to illustrate all 5 continents represented by the 5 interlocking rings. The five rings also stand for passion, faith, victory, work ethic and sportsmanship. What a great image of what the business analysis community is shaping up to be! Practitioners from all over the world are contributing to the advancement and professionalism of our craft.
When you take a break from following the Olympic Games, browse through the great content in this month's eJournal including:
- Software Sizing During Requirements Analysis by Capers Jones,
- Security is Everyone’s Responsibility by Stewart Allen, and
- Standing Up for 15 Minutes: Why? by Jurgen Appelo.
Happy reading!
- Adrian
Adrian Marchis, Publishing Editor
Software Sizing During Requirements Analysis
by Capers Jones, President of Capers Jones & Associates LLC
Software production has become one of the key activities of the industrialized world. Software applications are now the driving force of business, government operations, military equipment, and most of the services that we take for granted: electric power, water supplies, telephones, and transportation... But software development and software contracts have been very troublesome. Cost and schedule overruns are common... One of the major challenges of software cost and schedule estimation is “sizing” or predicting the amount of source code and other deliverables that must be built to satisfy the requirements of a software application. Sizing is a critical precursor to software cost estimating whether estimation is done manually or by means of a commercial software cost estimating tool..
Security is Everyone’s Responsibility
by Stewart Allen, Information Security Consultant
If you have been following my column over the past few months you should have a pretty good idea of where and when security comes into play for a typical organization. Something that needs to be said however, is, that not all organizations have a dedicated roll responsible for security... As business professionals, we need to understand that security is everyone’s responsibility; and that is especially true for business analysts....
Standing Up for 15 Minutes: Why?
by Jurgen Appelo, CIO at ISM eCompany
The ultimate management sin is to waste people’s time, Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister told us in their famous book Peopleware. This includes having pointless meetings that prevent people from actually doing anything useful. Nevertheless, some meetings are considered a necessary evil and therefore the so-called “agile movement” in software development has come up with an efficient way of dealing with this: the Stand-up Meeting in 15 Minutes. For those who have just woken up from ten years of hibernation, or having emerged from a cave that had no Internet access, I will explain this briefly.
Business Systems Analyst: Irene Du
Company: BMO, Toronto
Title: Business Systems Analyst
What is your main role at your current company?
As a Business Systems Analyst (BSA), I am asked to translate high level business requirement into technically implementable functional specifications which entails maintaining the documents, creating diagrams/flow charts, mocking up screens, etc. In my role I participate in or facilitate requirement review meetings and related JAD (Joint Application Development) sessions, talk to the end users to elicit information, and interact with technical people to come up with feasible solutions.
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Tell me about a time when you were faced with a requirement/enhancement that was not feasible. How did you handle the situation?
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