Organizations of interest to the Business Analyst and Systems Analyst

The following is a list of non-profit associations and organizations of interest to the professional business analyst and systems analyst and other IT professionals involved in business analysis or systems analysis:

ABPMP International - Association of Business Process Management Professionals International
The Association of Business Process Management Professionals International is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP International is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. ABPMP International is proud to announce the release of the Guide to the Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge 2.0 (BPM CBOK® 2.0) and the first independent, practitioner-oriented, international professional certification in Business Process Management: The Certified Business Process Professional CBPP®

ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership ACM is a leading resource for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology, and for interpreting the impact of information technology on society.

AMA - American Management Association
American Management Association (AMA) is a world leader in professional development and performance-based learning solutions.
AMA provides individuals and organizations worldwide with the knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve performance excellence, adapt to changing realities, and prosper in a complex and competitive world.  If you are looking to improve your management and leadership skills as a business analyst you should check out the AMA.

CSE - Centre for Software Engineering
The Centre for Software Engineering was established in 1991. It is the national focal point and support service for the software development community within Ireland - helping it to improve its quality and productivity and implement best practice.

IASA - International Association of Software Architects
IASA is an international non-profit business association dedicated to the advancement and sharing of issues related to software architecture in the enterprise, product, education and government sectors. 
The association is committed to improving the quality of the IT architecture industry by developing and delivering standards, education programs and developing accreditation programs and services that optimize the development of architecture profession.

IEEE-CS - IEEE Computer Society
The IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading organization of computer professionals. Founded in 1946, it is the largest of the 39 societies of the IEEE.
The Society is dedicated to advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing technology. Through its conferences, applications-related and research-oriented journals, local and student chapters, distance learning campus, technical committees, and standards working groups, the Society promotes an active exchange of information, ideas, and technological innovation among its members.

IIBA - International Institute of Business Analysis
The IIBA is the independent non-profit professional association serving the growing field of Business Analysis. Whatever your role -- requirements management, systems analysis, business analysis, requirements analysis, project management, or consulting, if you are involved in analysis for systems, business or process improvement, IIBA can help you do your job better.

IFPUG - International Function Point Users’ Group
The International Function Point Users’ Group (IFPUG) is a non-profit, member governed organization. The mission of IFPUG is to be a recognized leader in promoting and encouraging the effective management of application software development and maintenance activities through the use of Function Point Analysis and other software measurement techniques.

ISBSG - International Software Benchmarking Standards Group
The International Software Benchmarking Standards Group grows, maintains and exploits two repositories of software metrics:
1.    Software Development and Enhancement
2.    Software Maintenance and Support
The mission of the ISBSG is to help improve the management of IT resources, by both business and government, through the provision and exploitation of public repositories of software engineering knowledge which are standardised, verified, recent and representative of current technologies.
The ISBSG is a not-for-profit organisation.

OMG - Object Management Group 
OMG has been an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium since 1989.
OMG’s modeling standards, including the Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) and Model Driven Architecture® (MDA®), enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes, including IT Systems Modeling and Business Process Management. OMG’s middleware standards and profiles are based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA®) and support a wide variety of industries.

PMI - Project Management Institute 
Vital and forward thinking – focused on the needs of project management professionals worldwide; that’s the Project Management Institute of today. We’ve long been acknowledged as a pioneer in the field and now our membership represents a truly global community with more than 200,000 professionals, representing 125 countries. PMI professionals come from virtually every major industry including, aerospace, automotive, business management, construction, engineering, financial services, information technology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and telecommunications.

SEI - Software Engineering Institute
Since 1984, the Carnegie Mellon® Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has served the nation as a federally funded research and development center. The SEI staff has advanced software engineering principles and practices and has served as a national resource in software engineering, computer security, and process improvement. As part of Carnegie Mellon University, which is well known for its highly rated programs in computer science and engineering, the SEI operates at the leading edge of technical innovation.

The SEI’s core purpose is to help organizations such as yours to improve their software engineering capabilities and to develop or acquire the right software, defect free, within budget and on time, every time.

UPA - Usability Professionals' Association
The UPA supports those who promote and advance the development of usable products, reaching out to people who act as advocates for usability and the user experience. Members come from across the broad family of disciplines that create the user experience.

WWISA - Worldwide Institute of Software Architects
The Worldwide Institute of Software Architects, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation founded to accelerate the establishment of the profession of software architecture and to provide information and services to software architects and their clients.




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