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New Post 9/29/2010 8:44 AM
User is offline vinny
66 posts
8th Level Poster

Resume Review / What am I Worth? 

 I'll ask first with respect to any written or unwritten rules that I'm not aware of:  Is it appropriate on this forum to post resumes with the intent of getting feedback, not job leads?

Anyway, I soon may be seeking opportunities in the field of Business Process Analysis.  A user on this site (was it Adrian, maybe? didn't think to look beforehand...) introduced me to BPMN a few years back, and it's literally changed my career path ever since --for the better.  I used to be a Web Programmer but I have found that process analysis is my niche, and I really enjoy it and have become our organization's subject matter expect on process modeling and analysis.  A new job doesn't have to be in IT, necessarily; in fact I'd like to apply my skills in an arena where purely making money (I currently work for a large bank) isn't the objective (e.g. philanthropy organization, ASPCA, environmental).

So what am I worth?  That's the question.  I am going to be primarily looking in Asheville, NC, and Raleigh, NC.  I was thinking 62K.  Is this close, according to my experience?  Once I learn that it's 'safe' to post my resume (all sensitive information has been removed), I will post it.


New Post 9/30/2010 8:16 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Resume Review / What am I Worth? 

BPMN is not that bad, in fact its really a good notation if you keep it simple. I'm not familiar with pay rates in the States; but I quess $62K is probably OK in Raleigh (keep in mind the USA economy). What about ITRON, they do quite a bit of their development out of Raleigh, NC. check out

warm regards,


New Post 10/3/2010 4:47 AM
User is offline vinny
66 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: Resume Review / What am I Worth? 

 Thanks for the reply, K.  That's pretty funny, actually, because 62-63K is precisely what I was going to ask for.  Thanks for the link to ITRON, I'll check it out.



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