The Modern Analyst Blog for Business Analysts

Entries for 'Barton George'

Last week I attended the Web 2.0 expo in San Francisco.  In case you thought that social media was just for  web 2.0 start-ups and teenagers, one of the cooler talks I saw was given by Scott Monty, the head of Ford Motor’s Social Media efforts.  I was so intrigued that I thought I would grab him for an interview.  He graciously ...
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This entry was published on Apr 09, 2009 / Barton George. Posted in Tools. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Last week I came across an article on that listed today’s “Top 10 Technology skills.”  The list was based on work done by Foote Partners, which conducts quarterly assessments of IT pay trends in the US. Foote Partners’ CEO David Foote says “what’s unique about this downturn is that IT departments are hiring talent in certain ...
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This entry was published on Apr 07, 2009 / Barton George. Posted in Business Process Management (BPM), Business Analysis. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Cloud computing is one of the largest forces in IT in 2009.  With the deeping of the global economic crisis it has only gathered more momentum. In the beginning of the year I attended Cloud Connect in Mountain View to learn more about what was happening in this space and what the key players were thinking.  The conference kicked off with...
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This entry was published on Mar 10, 2009 / Barton George. Posted in Leadership & Management. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
When I attended the RackSpace Customer event back at the end of September I was impressed with the talk that Paul Bell of Dell gave (Paul reports to CEO Michael Dell and is responsible for all business operations for Dell in North and South America).  [Note: in the re-org that was announced at the the end of the year at Dell, starting next mon]...
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This entry was published on Jan 13, 2009 / Barton George. Posted in Leadership & Management. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Morphis is a company that provides currency supply chain management software and counts among its customers the U.S. Federal reserve as well as central banks, ATMs and armored car companies around the world.  Process mapping was the furthest thing from their minds when they started in business but they quickly found out that if they didn’t sta...
2 Responses
This entry was published on Dec 16, 2008 / Barton George. Posted in Use Cases, Business Process Management (BPM), Data Analysis & Modeling, Business Analysis, Vertical Domain or Industry. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.


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