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Barton George
Barton George

Talking “Cloud” with Rajen Sheth — Inventor of Google Apps

Cloud computing is one of the largest forces in IT in 2009.  With the deeping of the global economic crisis it has only gathered more momentum.

In the beginning of the year I attended Cloud Connect in Mountain View to learn more about what was happening in this space and what the key players were thinking.  The conference kicked off with an “Evening in the Cloud.”  At this opening event, representatives from Google, Amazon Web Services, and tried to convince three heads of IT as to why they should move all their IT to the cloud.  (Not sure who convinced whom, but it was an interesting debate nonetheless :) )

Representing Google was Ragen Sheth, its lead Product Manager and the person credited with inventing Google Apps.  After he finished speaking I was able to grab a few minutes with Ragen to learn more about what Google’s been doing in the Cloud.  Check it out.

Take a listen:

>> My talk with Rajen (9:47): Listen (mp3)    Listen (ogg)

Rajen Sheth of Google Apps.

Rajen Sheth of Google Apps.

Some of the Topics we tackle:

  • How Google Apps is Google’s platform for businesses to run applications in the cloud.
  • Google App Suite is all about bringing the cool things Google has created on the consumer side and presenting it to the businesses.
  • Gmail opened up a whole new model for people to build web-based applications by bringing in AJAX.
  • Over the last 3-4 years a lot of really advanced apps have been built in the browser that utilize the unique leverage points of the cloud.
  • CIO’s have switched from “no way,” to talking feature sets when the subject of the cloud is brought up.
  • What will we see in 09 in the cloud?   (The recession should help to drive adoption.)
  • Is Rajen seeing more cloud-interest from big or small companies?
  • When will we hit the Cloud tipping point?

Barton George
Sr. Director, Business Development,
Blueprint process mapping tool
Lombardi Software

This entry was published on Mar 10, 2009 / Barton George. Posted in Leadership & Management. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
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