Hello. I've been a BA for 8+ years, but out of college for many more. I'm not clear what the IIBA CBAP Professional Development requirements are. Do you have to take courses from the IIBA Endorsed Education Providers (EEP) to meet the Professional Development requirements? Can anyone provide some insight? Thanks! Dana
Hi Dana
The full details of the IIBA's accredition requirements are at their site here; http://www.theiiba.org/content.asp?ContentId=551 (They are about to migrate their website to a new platform so if this link doesn't take you there go and look for the PDFcalled CBAP handbook.
As for your specific question; no the training component training does not have to come from an IIBA EEP. Any on-topic training you have done will be sufficient. Note that training in project management covers a lot of similar topics and they do have some qualifications around those. See the handbook for details.
Craig BetterProjects.net
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