I'm modeling a process using BPMN that was previously modeled as a UML Sequence diagram. BPMN does have some advantages, such as easier-to-read loops, more extensive event notation, etc.; but the Sequence diagram appears to accomplish nearly the same thing. So my question is, do you find it preferable to model most (if not all) business processes using BPMN instead of a UML diagram? Should UML primarliy be used to model system objects and processes?
I know the question might be 'loaded', but perhaps it's a good place to start...
Hi Vinny, While, at some level, there are similarities between a BPMN diagram and a UML sequence diagram they are actually very different. They key thing that a BPMN diagram does is how process flow is more similar to the UML Activity Diagram. The UML Sequence Diagram shows how things (objects in technical terms) interact with each other over time to accomplish a given task. It deals with messages between the objects including instantiation and destruction of objects, etc. It is very hard to show in a sequence diagram what a process flow diagram can show. - Adrian
Thanks, Adrian.
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