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New Post 1/22/2015 2:34 PM
User is offline Kevin
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Survey for a Business Analyst Class 
Modified By Modern Analyst  on 1/23/2015 2:26:58 PM)

Hi my name is Kevin. I am taking a Business Analyst class at DeVry. For one of my projects I have to run a survey to key stakeholders. My survey is based on Software that is used by Business Analyst Professionals. So I found that key stakeholders would be in fact the professionals that use the software. If it is not too much trouble, I would appreciate it if some people could help me out. My professor had me set up a Survey Monkey survey the link is: Thank You for helping me out!!

New Post 1/24/2015 10:18 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
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Re: Survey for a Business Analyst Class 

"I found that key stakeholders would be in fact the professionals that use the software."


Stakeholders are those who may be affected by or have some effect on a project ... CEO, Department Heads, funders, employees, users, shareholders, etc. They are All Important but may Never have used any type of project software ... they have other things to do and leave that for the IT department and just want updated project reports, progress and costs to date.

As an example ... Joe Blow will soon be a Key Stakeholder ... he is a manager for the shipping department for a major package delivery service ... he needs a new driver settlement application to keep track of possible driver delivery fraud ... and the cost for developing that application will be deducted from his budget ... so he is the Key Stakeholder, sponsor and the gatekeeper of a project's heroic success or dismal failure ... He knows what he needs and can give you requirements (user interface, reports, formulas for calculating driver costs, people you can contact for information, etc) ... However he may never have used any Business Analyst, Project Manager software ... he leaves it to the IT department to develop, test and deliver the application ... and train the users. Once done, Joe Blow will sign-off on the project and go about his work ... that is it.

Also, on the other hand ... 

Now, lets say that the Key Stakeholders will use that software ... How ?, In what capacity ? ... will there be a actual project manager somewhere to control things? ... what will your procedures be to prevent the stakeholders from changing, deleting or adding stuff (Scope Creep) to the project ? Will multiple stake holders come down all day an bother the development team with new requests ?

I hope not ... they all need to go through the Project Manager and maybe a scope change committee.


I tried the Survey ...

(1) Have I used Microsoft Project or Clarizen ? 

I checked "NO" ... to see what happens.


(2) Which has a friendlier interface ? 

How would I know ? I checked "NO" on the first question.


(3) Which is better for Change Management?

How would I know ? I checked "NO" on the first question.


If they check "NO" on the first question ... the survey should end.

I tried the survey a couple times ... if a check box or field is left blank ... there should be a message.

Hey, if Devry is teaching you a way to do something ... then do it to pass, don't listen to me ... when the time comes, you will Learn-You-Alot in the real world.



New Post 1/24/2015 10:32 AM
User is offline Kevin
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Re: Survey for a Business Analyst Class 

Thank You nitwitnick! I appreciate you taking the time to do the survey.

This is the first time I used Survey Monkey. The survey is very basic. I need "stakeholders" to fill out the survey. I am currently writing a paper for my business analyst class. It is a compare and contrast of two project management software suites that may be used by Business Analysis Professionals (Microsoft Project vs Clarizen). I was hoping to find some people that may have or had used one or both of these currently or in the past. I was thinking this forum could be my stakeholders because there is a greater possibility that someone here has in fact used one or both programs. Thank You! 

New Post 1/26/2015 3:26 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Survey for a Business Analyst Class 
Modified By NitWitNick  on 1/26/2015 7:29:42 AM)

Ok, now I understand what you are asking and I redid the Survey for MS Project.

I see that you were a little clearer "may be used by Business Analysis Professionals" (or maybe I was just a NitWit when I read the first post).

OK ... Let Me Try Again.

MS  Project Is What I Use ... it is common in many companies (also PlanView) and I have MS Project installed on my desktop and laptop ... I can do work anywhere without having to connect to the internet ... I bought it, installed it and that was that ... no extra fees.

Unlike MS Project, Clarizen is a Web-Based (SaaS) software application with NO client-side version (can't install on your desktop or laptop)  ... i has to be connected to the internet and has a Monthly Fee.

The Problem With Cloud Software is if the Internet should be down or slow, You have No Way to continue your work with that product ... you have to wait until the cables are fixed or use a hot-spot to connect with your cellphone. (this actually happened twice when a construction crew cut through cables.) .

None of my software requires an internet connection ... unless you count my web-browsers and MS Outlook ... but if I needed my Email or messages, I could get it from my phone ... and I use Gmail and Google Voice.


I hope this was more of what you were looking for ... I blew it on my first post to you.

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