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New Post 4/17/2013 8:15 AM
User is offline qwertyjjj
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9th Level Poster

traceability matrix for BAs? 

Is the traceability matrix any use for BAs or is it more of a development tool?

In terms of BA use, all I can see it of benefit for is to ensure that all functional requirements have been met, more of a list of individual requirements with acceptance criteria.

If each FR relates to a UR User requirement then what is the point in mapping a Use Case to each FR - it should be obvious from the documentation. All the BA needs to check is that every bit of fucntionality in the Use case diagram is considered in the acceptanc criteria, no?

New Post 4/17/2013 9:30 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
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Re: traceability matrix for BAs? 


Great questions!  

We are BA's - not developers.   We have different needs in a tracability matirx (see my comment attached to the recenta article on Tracability)

Also, you ask: If each FR relates to a UR User requirement then what is the point in mapping a Use Case to each FR

Let me take it one step further.   If all manual and automated behavioral-related requirements can be called the same thing (which they are using Data Flow Diagrams), why do we have functional requirements, business requirements, user requirements, etc.   

Answer:   There is no logical reason.   The reason for so many requirements types is that most people can not envision a single set of integrated behavioral requirements. 


New Post 6/4/2013 2:50 AM
User is offline jsanalyst
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Re: traceability matrix for BAs? 
The purpose of the Requirements Traceability template is to ensure that all design, build and test documents conform to the components of the business requirements. The template is used to verify that all requirements are allocated to system components and other deliverable (forward trace). It is also used to determine the source of documented, implemented and tested system changes (backward trace). It ensures that all requirements are met and helps to locate affected system components when there is a requirements change. This ability allows the impact of requirements changes on the system to be determined, thereby facilitating cost, benefit and schedule changes. Tracing requirements through testing is owned by the Project Manager. However, the BA is responsible for insuring that the template is created and maintained. The Project Team provides necessary input.
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