I'm new to modern analyst, so forgive me if this has been discussed before. Thought it would be useful to discuss what people put in their use cases as the UML doesn't specify anything. I use variations on the following which I'm using on my current project.
Name: <name your use case. as a rule of thumb, the name should contain a verb and a noun>
Use Case ID: <just a number for tracking purposes>
Requirements: <traceability - the numbers of the requirements this use case realises>
Description: <general description of the use case>
Initiating actor: <generally which actor initiates this use case>
Pre-conditions: <what conditions are true before the use case is started>
Post-conditions: <what conditions are true after the use case has finished>
Business rules: <list of business rules that apply in this use case. I prefer this to having an exceptions area>
Main Course: <main scenario>
Alternate Courses: <alternate scenarios>
Notes: <just a catch all for any notes or explanations>
frequency of use: <an idea of how often the use case is actioned. Don't normally do this in projects but it can be useful>
I'm always keen to learn, so please post your thoughts on the above.