I am new to this forum and am looking forward to start my career as a business analyst. I have a PG diploma in International business, and Undergraduate degree in Commerce ( business administration) from India.
I wanted to know what kind of certifications should I take ( are they a plus? ) to vouch my knowledge of various databases and software languages.
Please let me know. thanks.
Having copies of the software code you have written and databases you have created (the skeltons/layouts, not the data) would go a long way towards being able to vouch for your programming and database skills. Prepare some SARs (Story, Action, Result) for something simple and something difficult for each language and database you are familiar with.
I believe Microsoft has some certification examiens for its DB. So does Oracle. There are several different certification examines available for Website related languages (html, css, javascript etc) at www.w3schools.com and at www.brainbench.com that I know about.
Hope this helps,
Tom Miller, CAPM
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