I'm considering moving over to a Systems Analyst position, but I'm curious, what is the percentage of the work that is actually conducted at system level? What does this work consist of?
What is your current role so that I can address your question from an appropriate perspective?
Have a look at the Zachman framework as a guide.
Things like structured systems analysis is what systems analysts are supposed to do. Thas why the call it structured SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. Having said that , the way the world "really works" is that the majority of people who have a systems analyst title are really developers who just like the title. Many of them never create functional or data models, either SSA or OOA. This is to say that they never work to higher levels of abstraction (the systems level as you call it). (Of course, one could say that many, if not most BA's never create functional or data models either, but that is another story.)
From what I have seen, there are only about 3 people on the planet who actually create data flow diagrams, and people who create Activity, Sequence, and Class Diagrams are generally called something like Lead Senior Chief Tecnical Consultive Systems Staff Advisor Architect or the like.
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