Hello! I have an innovative new software application that creates a unique format for process diagrams, which I call process maps.
To publicize this format I am producing a series of procsss maps for: 1) job descrittions and 2) business, organizational and technology processes.
There are lots of ways to find job descriptions on the internet.
What I would like to locate is a source of detailed business, organizational or technology process descriptions in either graphic or text format that I can translate into my format.
General browsing around the internet has not located a significant steady source of such descriptions. My best idea now is to look at government websites (though that would have limited scope).
Any suggestions on where to look for such process descriptions would be appreciated.
Business, organizational or technology processes are broad concepts. You can find details on the internet on what these processes involve but if you are looking for examples in an organizational context, it might be difficult to find those since this is proprietary information.
Can you narrow it down or maybe provide more context around what functions or sub-processes you might want to focus on for your process maps?
Thank you!
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