Hi EvdB, Correct me if I am wrong, but what youa re saying is that you have some documents. Some have been approved by the Business, some have not. Currently they sit in a Sharepoint site (presumably all mixed together?).
What you want is to some how distinguish between the two, with maybe the 'Approved' Docs sitting in one place, and the 'Not Approved. sitting elsewhere. Is that correct?
I think the bit that is confussuing is that one the one hand you say you have many docs and require a Document Storage solution (I would assume to clearly show the difference betwen those Docs that are approved and those that are not) and then mention "Currently the doc [singular]...".
So my first question is this - are we talking one document or many documents? Do they all have the same edit restrictions (no acces to Read & Write) or just the one?
Sharepoint allows you to have a folder system and shilst Sharepoint as a whole is not my favourite place to put documents, it does have its advantages. Can you place the documents apporived into a new "Approved" folder or is that what you don't have access to?
Push comes to shove I would say create a folder called "Approved", and place approved Docs in there. IN each document, if you have a Version History section, show a line saying when it was approved and by whom. If you use Sharepoint, and approval has come via email, then maybe store the approvals in a sub folder. You don;t have to, but it may be useful later on - someone always asks about a year later "Who approved this...?"
If you send the answers to my questions above then I am sure I can sort something for you.