I have a few questions:
1. So the goal of creating a BPM (on As-Is diagrams) is to get a pictoral understanding of the existing business problem, this assumes the model helps yu identify weaknesses with the process (inefficiencies, redundancies, painpoints etc) so it can be improved. But exactly how wd you show these "problems" on the diagram?
2. Can someone please point me to a good source for BPM training, i.e. a book, article. I have tried a few and still dont feel confident in my understanding. I need one with lots of examples and I cant find one that answers my question (Question 1) above.
3. Does anyone know of any free BPM training? I am broke right now.
I used to teach people BPMN some years ago. Answering your questions
1. is to annotate the diagram. Just put an 'X' on the flow thats a problem. Or an 'X1", "X2" etc and describe the problem separately. If the diagrams are 'simple' enough, people will understand your Xs.
2. I followed "Wil van der Aalst" and his footprints on the internet and some of the work he and associated have done at Queensland university of Technology. I spent considerable time with YAWL (yet another workflow language) then I translated these concepts to BPMN (which is limited). The YAWL has lots of examples -- see http://www.yawlfoundation.org/
3. I dont know of free training, but BIZAGI (www.bizagi.com) ; TIBCO (www.tibco.com) and Intalio (www.intalio.com) provide some good tutorials and examples.
Heres a little secret: "Follow the Token" and spend a little time on workflow patterns. see http://www.workflowpatterns.com/
Hope this helps!
warm regards,
I forgot to mention that you can view business patterns at http://www.workflowpatterns.com/patterns/control/index.php
follow the links to the patterns and select the FLASH demo. Here is one example to see a parallel split "in action" watch the token at http://www.workflowpatterns.com/patterns/control/basic/wcp2_animation.php
Oh thank you so much kmajoos!! I will look at all the sources of info you provided.
You can find free BPMN and BPM training at elearning.bizagi.com. Just register and go!
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