Hello Guys,
I'm confused with the skills set, a Business Analyst must know. I know certain skills which includes web designing, scripting language, programming language, modelling, etc. But still I'm confused that what skills should I use to gain more powerful experience as a Business Analyst.
please help me with my confusion.
Thanks & Regards,
Dilip Gupta
Great question!! If you go to a dictionary and look up the word analysis, chances are that the first listed definition will say that analysis is partitioning an entity (and examining how the parts interrelate). So analyis is mainly about partitioning and business analysis is about partitioning a business. Partitioning: not programing, not any design, not data mapping, not alot of other stuff that passes as BA work. You are confused because 99% of others are confusing because they themselves are confused.
So you need to ask yourself: Do I want to fit in with the masses or do I want to be powerful (and am willing to pay the price of having to stand on my own two feet)?
I see this sort of question a lot.
Read this article here: http://www.clickok.org/Difference%20Between%20A%20Management%20Consultant,%20Business%20Analyst%20And%20Project%20Manager.pdf
Thank You very much Tony
It really helped me a lot.
Business key: - In any business we can get best skill by experience. Mostly experience is the best way for get business skill.
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