If you were the lead BA on the Death Star, where would you start your work?
(presume the business case is sorted)
As far from Darth as possible...
Nice pic and all... but seriously...what?
Its odd but I have been thinking about this...I think it would be (relatively) easy to do the analysis as you only have one (what I call and what actually is in this case!) killer stakeholder. A killer stakeholder being defined as an individual who has the authority to stop a project dead.
A large degree of complixity for us BAs comes about from decisions made by committees of killer stakeholders and here we wouldn't have that problem - although we would have to convince Darth that he is only a representative for the real killer stakeholder and it is he would have to engage with. BAs always end up on the dark side!
I wonder if any research has been done that correlates projects that are successful to the number of killer stakeholders involved. My prediction would be that the fewer killer stakeholders (minimum 1 though), the greater the liklihood of success.
So my theory is that BAs probably do their best work under project dictatorships?
I would be interested in anyone's experience of this in the real world (or a galaxy very near here anyway).
Don't play games with me Wright! I want those plans!
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