Want a useful framework to manage requirements to? Take a look at the Six C's at Better Projects and let me know what you think. (Here or there.)
Link: http://www.betterprojects.net/2008/04/requirements-management-six-cs.html
Did you come up with the 6 Cs framework? It's not bad. There are always pros and cons to coming up with 6 words that start with the same letter. Obviously it makes it easier for people to remember, but I find that sometime things feel forced. Overall, I thought your blog post was pretty good and I particularly liked how you compared a Waterfall and Agile process.
If you haven't checked out Criag's blog post on the 6 Cs, check it out. Oh, and I like the survey you have regarding which BA community people frequent, very interesting!
Yes, I noticed those 10 votes appearing on the same day as well.
Craig - good thoughts on the c's - here's a link to our take (c's seem to be a popular way of describing things!)
I was curious if you had elaborated on them yet - in the link, I just saw the list, but would be curious to read more once you get the details.
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