New to the site and think all the information here is great. I currently perform another job function but do some analyst duties and am interested in changing jobs and focusing more in this area. I came across a job titled "Application Systems Analyst" but there seems to be very little information about this specific job title. Where does this role/title fit in with the other various "analyst" roles? I can make an educated guess but wondered what folks here thought about it.
I found an image on this site that showed the various analyst roles and how they overlap, where do you think this role would find itself? (http://www.modernanalyst.com/Portals/0/images/Roles%202.jpg)
Hi Jason,
Unfortunately the same time can mean different things depending on the organization and even groups within the same organization.
Putting that aside, I would say that the "Application Systems Analyst" is a mix of IT Business Analyst and Systems Analysts. It is probably what most folks refer to as a "Business Systems Analyst". Take a look at this page for a description around the image you mentioned:
Business Analyst Roles
Hope this helps!
- Adrian
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