I am very much interested in becoming a Business Analyst but need some advice in how best to achieve this. I currently work for a large Insurance company in an unrelated role and have a good experience of the Insurance industry but with no real IT experience. I have had a meeting with the head of IT who has advised that from time to time entry roles for Business Analysts come up for people with my level of Insurance Industry experience although nothing at the moment. I did mention to him can I get any qualifications in the meantime to enhance my chances should a role come up and he advised that any sort of part time study in a related subject would show that I was willing to invest time and money and would look good. Although all this would seem fine should I pursue this career through my current employers and an opportunity was to arise but I was wondering if anyone had more specific advice on p/t study/qualifications best suited to becoming a Business Analyst and what other avenues if any is there for me to pursue this career outwith my current employers? I would need to remain in a full time role whilst pursuing this career given current family and financial commitments.
Any assistance would be gratefully received.
Take a look at "Seven Steps to Mastering Business Analysis" by Barbra Carkenord. There is a link to order it from Amazon on this website.
Tom M
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