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New Post 8/19/2008 9:11 PM
User is offline L Simmo
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ISEB Business Analysis Diploma\CBAP\OMG UML Certification 
After researching many training courses with regards to Business analysis. I am contemplating undertaking the ISEB Business Analysis Diploma within the coming years. The main reason is to accompany my experience of working as a Business Analyst and my degree within Business Information Systems, with an accreditated certification such as the ISEB Business Analysis Diploma, followed by the CBAP qualification (once i attain 5 years experience) and maybe the OMG UML accreditaion (Foundation level or higher).

Has anybody undertaken the ISEB Business Analysis Diploma, CBAP or OMG certifications and found it beneficial to their career development with regards to skills learnt and job opportunities?
New Post 8/19/2008 10:45 PM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
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Re: ISEB Business Analysis Diploma\CBAP\OMG UML Certification 


Speaking as recruiter, trainer and a BA, I have never seen a job where one of these qualifications was mandatory. I have seen plenty here they are desireable and I think they are used to filter CVs for interview, after that I am not aware of any further use and would be very interested in knowing if there are any.

Your second question is very interesting to me: "has anyone [...] found it beneficial to their career development with regards to skills learnt and job opportunities?"

I guess it is worth being aware that there are 2 sets of knowledge under consideration here with some degree of overlap but not 100%: the knowledge and skills you need to be a BA and the knowledge and skills you need to pass BA exams.


New Post 8/20/2008 3:13 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
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Re: ISEB Business Analysis Diploma\CBAP\OMG UML Certification 

One of the best things you get out of courses is learning from the other people there.  So the best criteria for picking a course could be who esle will be there?

You are loking to learn from their experiences and stories and to build up new contacts for your career .

New Post 8/20/2008 9:38 PM
User is offline L Simmo
3 posts
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Re: ISEB Business Analysis Diploma\CBAP\OMG UML Certification 

Thank you for advice, both of you, it has been much appreciated.

Would you also recommend working in varied industries\organisations to gain more overall experience as a business analyst due difference in working practices and methodologies? And in your opinion, what key qualities and skills should all BA's have? (Sorry for the 1000 questions, but as a junior BA I find a senior BA's viewpoint very valuable with regards to career development.

Thanks again

New Post 8/20/2008 11:37 PM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: ISEB Business Analysis Diploma\CBAP\OMG UML Certification 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 8/21/2008 2:48:34 AM)


You have raised a few questions and I have responded to them in no particular order:

Industry experience: Again from a recruiter and BA perspective here is the issue: employers don't understand the BA role and realise it is a BENEFIT not to know the industry you are analysing user requirements for! The reason for this is that if you don't (think and assume) you already know about it then you ask all those dumb/obvious questions that everyone else takes for granted and more often than not that is where very real value for the business lies - the type of user repsonse I cherish which is  "I never really thought about that before, I just assumed that...blah blah blah, but now you've asked I guess there isn't much reason to do that and I don't know why we don't do the other. Funny how we never thought about that before."

But employers don't get that so their number one criterion (almost universally) for a BA is relevant industry experience. FYI the 2 other major criteria that employers look for is (in order of importance): a degree level education in a 'hard' subject such as science, maths, etc - this is quite often mandatory - and a relevant BA qualification such as CBAP etc - this has always only ever been optional or desireable in my experience, and is usually not even requested. I am sure that they will help at the CV selection stage though.

So, if you want to get in to those interviews then get relevant industry experience in as many different industries as you can and it will help if you have a degree or equivalent.

Working practices and methods: given that business analysts define change requirements then all the working practices and methods are achieving the same end through (usually) different terminology and (sometimes) different techniques. Fundamentally, all practices and methods covering the same subject matter do the same job and cover the same ground and I refer you to my article "The Fundamentals of Business Analysis" for a fuller explanation of this.

Working with other BAs has (in my experience) been the best way to learn useful stuff that works in the real world - hence

Qualities and skills: The application of logical, rational, justifiable thinking, and the interpersonal skills to extract and convey the products of that thinking to all those who need to make the decisions for the project in a way that does not confuse or antagonise them.

Career development: you can regard your career as a project and analyse what your requirements are. See the article "Starting Out As A Business Analyst" for a fuller explanation of this.

I hope some of the above helps...


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