I need an advise from all the intellectuals and good people here. Currently i am working on dot net project as a programmer. i Have 6 years of IT experience and want to be a BA. Can you please tell me how should i approach towards my goal . Do i need to take training? If yes, can you suggest me some good institues offering online training or offline training in Arizona.
Please help me build a career as i have no one to advise me in thsi regard.
My email address : dearsairam@gmail.com
Ph: 408 666 9084
Hi Sairam,
Are there any BA's in your current company? If so I would suggest you talk with them about an appropriate path to become a BA, assuming you want to stay in your company. Otherwise I would talk with the Phoenix IIBA Chapter, who can provide you with more information on good Arizona-based education opportunities.
The path from developer to BA really depends on the environment you're in and your previous experience in projects/assignments. If you describe a bit more about how much BA-type work you've done in the past, it may help.
Good luck!
Dear Sairam,
I would definitely recommend that you take some formal courses in business analysis as, coupled with your IT background, will give you a solid foundation to begin your career in business analysis.
There are many companies offering training courses, for example:
Classroom: ESI's Business Analysis Courses
On-line: Master Certificate in Business Analysis from Villanova University
Classroom: B2T Training's Business Analysis Courses
On-line: Smart BA Distance Learning Courses
- Adrian
I say that if you have 6 years experience as a programmer, you can often pass the screening to get BA interviews. It would probably be well worth your time to visit someone whose job it is to help inviduals craft their resume for skills transferance (i.e, tweak your programmer resume into BA terms). However, the major thing you need to do is to come across, in interviewing and on the job, as not having the typical developer personnality, but instead, of having the personality that a highly successful BA has. Especially,. if you want to fast-track, like you say you do.
BA's need to have stronger "people" skills than does the typical developer. What I largely bring to the table is the willingness to go out and ask, ask, ask for information. I need to feel comfortable exposing what I do not know. I need to be able to deal with a alot of rejection. And especially, I need advanced listening skills. To really fast-track on obtaining such skills, you can not do better than to participate in a ToastMasters public speaking club (but the their main purpose, is to teach listening skills). They are an international organization.
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