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New Post 6/12/2008 11:19 PM
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10th Level Poster

Managing the relationship with Recruiters 

Hi Everyone

I'm a infrastructure systems engineer with a great deal of project experience looking to transition into a BA or SA role.  In preparation I've done ITIL, Prince 2 and university papers in requirements analysis and business process modeling.  Between that and my projects 'drive' I've got a reasonable skillset and examples of documentation I've produced.  I also did a technical writing test with one agency that I aced so I'm not worried about doing the job.

My problem of course is the foot in the door so I've been starting to apply for contract positions off the job boards.  I've tried internally but I don't have enough contact with our PMO to make the solid contacts I need and my organisation seems determined to keep me as a technical resource.

What I am finding is that I'll have the initial chat or meeting with the agent - they'll tell me I'm a strong candidate who presents well and shouldn't have any trouble landing a contract.  But I never hear from them again.  Now I assume what happens is that they get a job for say a finance BA - 3 CVs come in the door from BAs who've done a contract in banking - problem solved and fair enough the recruiter is in business. 

Then I see another role advertised with the same agent.  How do you chase them while still looking professional?  My city isn't huge - there's not a massive pool of agents hence I need to get this right.


New Post 6/13/2008 8:34 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Managing the relationship with Recruiters 

Prsonaly I think taking a proactive approach will work for you.  That and being persistant.

Call the recruiter and develop a relationship.  Buy them lunch, ring them every week, continue to get feedback on why you don't progress.  You can pick one recruiter or do this with a few. 

Take the drivers seat and make it happen rather than being a passenger along for the ride.


Good luck.

New Post 6/14/2008 3:35 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Managing the relationship with Recruiters 

I agree with Craig!  Take a proactive approach and be the one showing genuine interest in your career. 

Also try to put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter... the recruiting agency develops personal relationships with their clients (hiring organizations) and have a vested interest in placing the best candidate they can get.  This way next time the client has another opening they will reach out to the same recruiter.

Now the best candidate does not always mean the most experienced one.  If the recruiter's client is looking for a junior analyst then the recruiter will try to present the best junior analyst they can.  So try to differentiate yourself from the rest of them.  Here are some tips:

  • Again, be proactive by keeping in touch with the recruiter and telling them that you are very interested in landing a certain type of position and that you will work work to do a great job and to represent well the recruiting firm,
  • Let the recruiter know what you are doing to continue to improve your skills: for example taking a business analysis course,
  • Let the recruiter know that you are actively involved in the business analysis community via membership to,
  • Ask the recruiter to let you know if there is any particular area in which you should improve and then be proactive and go ahead and work on that area.  Make sure you let them know you are listening to their feedback.

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 6/17/2008 3:49 AM
User is offline transitioned
13 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Managing the relationship with Recruiters 

Thanks for the input.  I've just finished a paper on process modeling and have the final for requirements analysis on Thursday so that's something. UML training's next on the agenda.  I've taken one recruiter out to lunch and will try touching base regularly with him. 

I think I'll try the approach of introducing myself to new agents by coming in and meeting them for coffee - it's just a bit tricky with time management - don't want to be late for work too many times.   Adrian's also posted about broadening the search out so I'll try that too to up the volume of applications.  Craig - I've set myself a goal of at least one application a day faithfully updated on my spreadsheet so I'm settling in for the long haul.

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