Hi Jade,
Firstly, let me introduce myself. I am a Business Analyst manager and have been in the BA industry for over 33 years. I’ve been both a BA and for the last 10 years a BA Manager, managing teams of BAs. Predominately, this has been with mid-size companies, but it has varied.
So, typically my opinion would be that whilst Code has its place, a company continually evolves – especially it’s data. It may have data stored in 3rd party applications as well as it’s own data lake.
As a result, your code will have to continually be monitored and updated to ensure that the process is meeting any changes in the IT landscape.
My point here being that in a mid to large company, where such changes are frequent, it would be quicker, easier and cheaper for me to use a tool to perform those tasks. As a manager, responsible for that data, I would also have a degree of concern about security and what that code is doing. Now of course, you could say the same about a 3rd party tool, but it has professional reputation to uphold, whereas as developer does not necessarily.
So would I use a developer to write the code? No probably not. Simply because it could be done cheaper, quicker and easier via a tool.