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Managing Change in Your Project's Requirements

Modern Analyst Webinar

When & Where

Thursday, May 2, 2024 @ 11:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)



A typical project has multiple stakeholders working on interrelated requirements. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus noted, 'Change is the only constant'. As a business analyst, process owner, and project manager, you need to understand how to manage change in your project.

To be successful, you will need to do the following:
1. Control who can initiate the change
2. Define a process for change propagation
3. Define a process for approval of the change
4. View and manage the impact of the change
5. Ensure that the change has been viewed and internalized by all the impacted stakeholders
6. Record and audit the change history

The following industry-standard processes help manage these tasks:
• Folders, Users, Roles, and Permissions
• Traceability
• Dangling, Orphan, Suspect Upstream and Suspect Downstream requirements
• Trace Matrix, Trace Tree, and Change Impact analysis views
• Approval Workflow
• Versioning and Audit Trail

Register today and join us on the live webinar to see how you can equip yourself with industry best practices to manage change in your projects.

Sponsor: TraceCloud

More Details

Starts 5/2/2024 @ 11:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)
Ends 5/2/2024 @ 12:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)


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