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The Side Hustles of the Successful Business Analyst

Modern Analyst Webinar

When & Where

Thursday, January 23, 2025 @ 11:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)



I am not suggesting that the profession of business analysis is in such dire straits that we all need side hustles in case our primary source of business analysis income dries up. I'm suggesting that the main focus of business analysis, namely gathering information and defining requirements, is too narrow for the business analysis profession in general.

There are other areas of the business where a business analyst can shine because the fundamental criteria for being successful in these business areas are the same as being a successful business analyst. For example creating the Business Impact Assessment for business continuity is more a business analytical job then a platform engineering task.

Business analysis expertise is also needed in security, artificial intelligence and machine learning, analytics, product management, executive decision making, and many more areas of the business. This webinar looks at all of the different areas of the business in which a successful business analyst can be even more successful and build a solid background to move into the executive echelons of the organization.

More Details

Starts 1/23/2025 @ 11:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)
Ends 1/23/2025 @ 12:00
(PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00)


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