Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

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Business Analyst, Requirements, or Business Analysis Cartoon/Humor/Comics Submission

Do you have a great cartoon idea relevant to the business analyst or related to requirements and business analysis?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Just submit us your idea and you may see it in one of our future cartoons.  You can also e-mail your humor ideas to cartoons[at]ModernAnalyst[dot]com.




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Humor: Project Management Speak vs. Business Analysis Wisdom
It is common for project managers to question the number of BAs they need on a project or how much time needs to be spent on analysis. The underlying ... Read More...

Cascade Day 11 - Principle #9: Leave a record of what you have done, so the project will not miss you if you leave
#9. Leave a record of what you have done, so the project will not miss you if you leave. If change is the only constant, then resources on a proje... Read More...

Project Management with Mind Maps
Prepared by MindMeister tool   Have you ever planned a project or brainstormed an idea? It takes a lot of effort to manage the collected inform... Read More...

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