Books for the Business Analyst

More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice

More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice
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Categories: Requirements

Author(s): Karl E. Wiegers
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0735622678

Have you ever delivered software that satisfied all of the project specifications, but failed to meet any of the customers' expectations? Without formal, verifiable requirements--and a system for managing them--the result is often a gap between what developers think they're supposed to build and what customers think they're going to get. Too often, lessons about software requirements engineering processes are formal or academic, and not of value to real-world, professional development teams. In MORE ABOUT SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: THORNY ISSUES AND PRACTICAL ADVICE, the author of Software Requirements, Second Edition, describes even more practical techniques for gathering and managing the software requirements that help you meet project specifications and customer expectations. A leading speaker and consultant in the field of requirements engineering, Karl Wiegers takes questions raised by other professional software developers and analysts as a basis for the practical solutions and best practices offered in this guide. Succinct and immediately useful, this book is a must-have for developers and analysts.



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