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New Post 7/10/2008 1:26 PM
User is offline Reetu
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Interview Question 


Can anyone who has a better idea help with the following:

How have you used integration and implementation projects to deliver and customize a solution for clients?


How have you carried out system integration and analysis


How have you used  HTTPS, XML ,  Specification Writing and Data Mapping,

How have you involved as  Project Management  over technical implementations

New Post 7/10/2008 10:11 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Interview Question 

Hi Reetu,

Are you looking for the answers to these questions or some other type of help?

My guess is that if you are not familiar with certain terms than your best bet is to answer that you have not used them.

Can you provide us with your best attempt at answering these questions and then we can provide you with feedback and questions on your answers?

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 7/13/2008 5:59 AM
User is offline kr_BA
34 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Interview Question 

Hi Reetu & Adrain,

I think such kind of question is attributed  to reuirement analysis of some sort to services/utilities which will use XML (platform independent)  to map and populate some business data from one system to other legacy systems.

For example: If two application under same service domain needs to have some data transfer from one end to other end securely over web. 

I think all these question is based on this topic of system integration, that why he use teminologies like HTTPS & XML.

Hope this will help from some angle, any expert comments Adrain or any one who knows would like to share with us..........



New Post 2/10/2009 7:39 AM
User is offline Riaan
1 posts
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Re: Interview Question 

Hi Guys

I've been working on integration projects for some time and I can maybe shed some light. Two typical integration architecture models should be distinguished, a peer to peer model and a hub and spoke model. We've accepted the hub and spoke model and as such use xml as the message transportation language. We use a canonical data model for the transformation of data from multiple systems into one single language. The US Department of Justice follows this model and have created the GJXML (Global Justice XML) schema. When specifying the interfaces accross where this information is shared on a business level, have a look at the MIL-STD-498 ICD (Interface Control Document) specification. This is a good template to use for your analysis and specification of interfaces, although it may be too technical for some business users.

I hope this helps a bit.

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