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New Post 6/9/2011 6:18 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Business not familiar with BA terminology 

Hi All,

I am working as BA in hospital. I am finding it difficulty while gathering business requirements from hospital staff (who are from medical grounds). As they cannot understand what is meant by “business requirement” . So explaining/defining business requirement, functional req, activities risk etc to the staff has become great challenge.  Is there any good technique that I can explain/represent to them as simple as possible with examples that they can understand easily.

Any ideas or information or sample slides ...are appreciated

Thank you.




New Post 6/15/2011 4:28 PM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Business not familiar with BA terminology 

Don't go technical on them, they don't need to know what Requirements, Functional Reqs, etc are.....just use regular terms that they understand.

Hi: I'm Joe Analyst and I would like to talk to you about the Nursing System you are using. We are planning to upgrade it and would like some input from you on how to make it more efficient for you to a min or I can schedule a better time with you.

(1) What is your major dislike about the system?

(2) If you could change something to make an immediate impact to your work, what would you do?



Now you can get some answers to possible major problems and work at it from there. See how many people complain about the same thing or make the same suggestions...and maybe that is priority #1 to work on.


New Post 9/8/2011 11:39 PM
User is offline tridev
4 posts
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Re: Business not familiar with BA terminology 

Hi Srikanth,

The best technique to explain to someone who is unaware about the technicalities is by simplifying it using  your local language and terms...



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