Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

December 08, 2013

Humor: Business Analyst: When do I get my work done?

Humor - Cartoon: Business Analyst: When do I get my work done?

Manager: "Welcome to the project, Johnson!  Next week I need you to schedule meetings with each of the 10 stakeholders, and a daily status meeting to track progress.  You also need to attend the employee forum and and the compliance training.  The risk workshop is also mandatory."

Business Analyst: "When will I be able to get my work done with all these meetings?"

Manager: "Great question!  Please schedule a meeting to discuss that."

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Copyright 2013 by Modern Analyst Media LLC

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KerryAustralia posted on Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:53 AM
Very true - the cartoonist must have been watching over my schoulder several times!

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