Business Analyst Member Profiles

Member Profiles

This feature of the Modern Analyst community allows you, the community member, to create your own professional profile as well as to showcase your knowledge and expertise in business analysis, requirements engineering, and systems analysis.

In addition, you can send private messages to those community members who have created a profile.  Note that profile creation is not mandatory and that not all community members opt to create a profile.

In order to create a profile or search profiles you must be logged-on:

If you are a registered member, click here to log-in.

If you are not a registered member, Register Now (it's FREE).

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Templates & Aides

Templates & AidesTemplates & Aides: find and share business analysis templates as well as other useful aides (cheat sheets, posters, reference guides) in our Templates & Aides repository.  Here are some examples:
* Requirements Template
* Use Case Template
* BPMN Cheat Sheet
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