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New Post 2/4/2009 7:20 AM
User is offline Craig McLurg
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Website As-Is Documentation 


I'm working as a BA on a project to re-design a custoemr-facing corporate website that is very large (100's of pages). Just wondering if anyone has some thoughts on the best way to document the As-Is state of the current website at a mid-to-high level. The intent is to capture all the functionality in the current website so that a decision can be made as to whether to include that functionality in the new site or not.

We already have UX people doing a site map but that information is too detailed to be of much use to the business.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


New Post 2/4/2009 8:28 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Website As-Is Documentation 


Functions is functions, irregardless of their method of implementation.  For example:  I need to implement a function to add together two single-digit numbers.  Now their are various ways I can implement this function.  I can:

*  Create a computer program to add the numbers

*  Create an electrical circuit to add the numbers

*  Hire a person whose sole purpose is to add the nunmbers

*  Train a dog to add the numbers (yes this can be done, I saw it on TV)

Irregardless of the method of implementation chosen - whether Fido or a web service - , the function is essentially defined by the inputs to it and the outputs from it (typically data inputs and outputs).   And my goal in as-is modeling is to identify what these inputs and outputs are, what is done with them by the function, and the source and sink of the inputs and outputs. 


New Post 2/5/2009 1:55 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Website As-Is Documentation 

It strikes me that you would want to create a list of user interactions with the website (use cases or user stories?) showing why someone comes to a website and what their goals are.

You could then take a look at thos hundreds of pages and start to think abut how you could better store and present the info based on user needs rather than a webmaster/librarian's taxonomy of informaton.


(...Webmaster he he)

New Post 2/6/2009 2:27 AM
User is offline KJ
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Re: Website As-Is Documentation 


As part of the as-is, you need to find out what the department(s) currently do (define the processes). Let say this is a large government social services endeavour, then there would be  “single-mum” payments, “child support” payments, “pension” payments, “refugee” assistance payment processes, etc.  

Analyze each of these processes and define “generic” mid-to-high-level steps/activities! For example, 1) identitfy user; 2) assess entitlement; 3) make payment etc. The steps “identify users” would have different web-pages for “single-mums” and I assume very different pages for “refugees”.

Once you’ve identified the steps/activities map each of the web-pages to an activity (or more than one activity). SPARX’s Enterprise Architect does this with ease. It allows you to create a matrix of web pages (objects) that are used in activities and processes. Make sure that you do not have un-assigned web pages. Once you’ve completed the relationships between web-pages and process steps, its then easy to do “where is” enquiries where you find out which web page is used where!  

When you do your “to-be” you can map your new processes to the old “as-is” processes, and again you’d have a transitive relationship where you’d know what ‘old’ web-pages are relevant to the new processes. SPARX again provides some great assistance here.


Hope this helps!

Warm regards,


Ps. I’m not associated with SPARX in any way.


New Post 2/19/2009 2:35 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Website As-Is Documentation 

 kmajoos wrote


As part of the as-is, you need to find out what the department(s) currently do (define the processes).

If you decide to invstigate this path take a look at this thread.

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