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Jack of all Trades: Mostafa Elbarbary
Statistics: (10050 Views)
Categories: Software Engineer

: Mostafa Elbarbary

Company: ITSoft

Title: Software Engineer 



Gives us a quick summary of your background
I graduated from Ain Shams University with a degree in Computer and Information Sciences and currently work as a Software Engineer at ITSoft.  My role requires me to contribute to analysis, design and implementation activities. I have knowledge of and experience with different Software Development Lifecycle models such as waterfall, spiral, iterative, and agile. 

My training and experience has helped me gain knowledge and skills and a variety of areas, including:

  • Object Oriented Analysis as well as Object Oriented Design and testing,
  • Requirements Engineering process & Requirements Management,
  • Expert in writing effective use cases,
  • Creation of domain models aka conceptual model,
  • Use of Requirements and Analysis Patterns,
  • Having good knowledge in UML (unified modeling language),
  • Having good knowledge in Aspects oriented system development,
  • Acquiring deep knowledge of RUP as a software development process,
  • Development/Coding,
  • etc.

Tell us about your employer
ITSoft is a leading solutions provider and systems integrator in the Middle East. Over the past decade ITSoft has focused on maturing its expertise in three growth industries: banking and financial services, telecommunication and Higher education.

What vertical domains are you or your company working on?
ITSoft is involved in banking, telecommunication,  and e-learning.  I work on projects in the banking domain.

What do you find challenging about your job?
Analyzing complicated business processes in order to create solutions for our banking division.

What have you found that makes your job easier?
Good analytical skills, management skills and communication skills.  Also having flexibility to choose the right methodology for the right business case and implement the right model in relationship to time, recourses, & budget constraints.

What is one piece of advice that you would like to pass on to junior Business Analysts?
As much you read, As Much you will succeed!

For more details you can view the profile of 
Mostafa Elbarbary.



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