Interview Questions for Business Analysts and Systems Analysts

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Describe in general terms how a Business Analyst supports Solution Evaluation.

Posted by Chris Adams

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Categories: Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, Solution Assessment and Validation (BABOK KA), Testing & Quality Assurance (QA)


The interviewee should be familiar with how the Business Analyst supports Solution Evaluation.  The IIBA BABOK Solution Evaluation knowledge area includes a number of tasks to evaluate a solution but is not the only source.  The interviewee should demonstrate a good understanding of how the BA participates in Solution evaluation.

Measure Solution Performance: How does a BA measure solution performance?  Suggestions include, but are not limited to: 

  • Agree to the approach used to evaluate the solution: Will the evaluators follow strict test scripts; will the approach be more to “play with the system”
  • Establish the scope of the testing: What will be tested; who are the testers; how far can the testers vary outside the scope
  • Create objective measurements by which to evaluate the solution: What business processes, functional and non-functional requirements are applicable; how will meeting organizational goals and objectives be measured; how will value be measured
  • Establish BA participation then participate accordingly: Will the BA be an active participant during solution evaluation; will they be a passive observer; will they even be present
  • Compile measurements of solution evaluation: Compile the measurements of the Solution Evaluation 

Analyze Performance Measures: How does a BA analyze the performance measures just captured?  Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Record and categorize solution performance measures: Record the solution performance measurements in a central location
  • Categorize solution performance measures: Categorize the solution performance measures based upon established criteria.  Examples may include:
    • Solution performed as expected; solution performed but with additional comments; performance measure failed
    • Tester feedback: Does feedback identify a defect, a fix, or an improvement.  If an improvement, is this within scope out outside scope.  If an improvement, how does this bring value to the solution
    • Prioritize and/or combine similar solution performance measures: Categorize solution performance measures based on common functionality and/or priority
  • Review subjective feedback: How did the solution meet “soft” or less tangible requirements established by the organization (considerations like ease of use, understandable workflow)
  • Compile analysis of performance measure: Prepare a summary of the performance feedback measures and the analysis.

Assess Solution Limitations: How does a BA assess limitations and/or opportunities for adding value to the solution based on the solution performance measures captured?  Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Identify solution dependencies: What solution changes are required to fix a defect or implement an improvement. What defects, fixes and/or improvements can be combined into a single, larger change
  • Investigate the source of the feedback: Why does the defect, fix or change request exist
  • Evaluate the requested improvement: Evaluate the requested improvement at a high level (Not implementing the improvement at this time is a possible outcome).
  • Conduct impact assessment: Assess the value each defect, fix or improvement
    • What is the positive and negative impact of implementing each defect, fix or improvement
    • What is the positive and negative impact of NOT implementing each defect, fix or improvement

Assess Enterprise Limitations: How does the BA assess issues outside the scope of a solution?  Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Enterprise culture assessment: How will the enterprise respond to the solution implementation; how is the organization affected?
  • Stakeholder culture assessment: How will specific stakeholders respond to the implementation; how are stakeholders affected

Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value: How does the BA recommend actions the enterprise can take to increase the solution’s value?   Suggestions include, but are not limited to:

  • Identify requirements not met: Identify requirements not implemented by the solution
    • Verify with the stakeholders the requirements are still needed
    • If still needed, provide direction incorporate them into the solution
    • If not, update documentation to remove the requirements from the proposed solution
  • Identify solution improvements: Propose solution improvement to stakeholders based on Performance Evaluation
    • Demonstrate the value added to the solution
    • Specify whether the improvement is within or outside scope
    • At the direction of stakeholders, further investigate and elaborate on improvements based on the solution evaluation
  • Identify organizational changes: Identify what changes the organization may have to make to implement the solution


Thomas Slahetka
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Having an idea of the type of questions you might be asked during a business analyst interview will not only give you confidence but it will also help you to formulate your thoughts and to be better prepared to answer the interview questions you might get during the interview for a business analyst position.  Of course, just memorizing a list of business analyst interview questions will not make you a great business analyst but it might just help you get that next job.


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