Interview Questions for Business Analysts and Systems Analysts

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Provide a high-level overview of a process you are familiar with, but assume your audience knows little about this process.

Posted by Chris Adams

Article Rating // 6491 Views // 0 Additional Answers & Comments

Categories: Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, General


Business analysts are often asked to provide a high-level overview of a process.  This may be to executive stakeholders as part of a project update; this may be to the development team before the next round of software development begins.  Often the audience knows very little about the process.

Start with a short (3-4 minute) overview of a process with which you are familiar.  This can be from professional or personal experience.  As the audience may know little about the process, providing key assumptions, constraints and/or definitions is important.

While there is no single right answer, the following criteria can be used to evaluate the response:

Is the response succinct?

  • Does the response provide detail applicable to the audience (more abstract for a high-level audience, more details when needed)?
  • Was the appropriate background and contextual information needed to understand the process provided (key assumptions, constraints and/or definitions)?
  • Does the process as described have a clear starting point, ending point and path from start to finish?
  • Do you feel like you understand what was explained?

Thomas Slahetka
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Do your homework prior to the business analysis interview!

Having an idea of the type of questions you might be asked during a business analyst interview will not only give you confidence but it will also help you to formulate your thoughts and to be better prepared to answer the interview questions you might get during the interview for a business analyst position.  Of course, just memorizing a list of business analyst interview questions will not make you a great business analyst but it might just help you get that next job.

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