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New Post 6/30/2011 6:34 PM
User is offline john_BA
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present a business scenario using one use case or two use cases 

Dear All

I want to write use cases for an learning system, whoch includes a scenario where a teacher post a multiple choice question , then students select one choice and submit their answers.

So my question is if i can present this scenario in a single use case that has both teacher and student as actors. Or it is better to write two use cases one for posting a questing and another use case for submitting the answer , where for the second use case the precondition will be that the question was already posted !!!

Thanks .


New Post 7/4/2011 12:21 AM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: present a business scenario using one use case or two use cases 


the Teacher has a specific goal - hence one usecase; the student has another singular goal, hence another usecase.

So the short answer is: One system Box, with two Ovals (a "create exam" and a "take exam" usecase) and a single stick figure hanging off each oval.

The narrative for the "create exam" usecase should be between actor Teacher and the system; and the second "take exam" narrative should be between the actor Student and the system.

And yes, i'd use the precondition suggested for the "take exam" usecase.

warm regards,


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