Webinars - Business/Systems Analysis

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ON DEMAND Webinar: Software Requirements: 7 Critical Success Factors
Those of us who have been writing software for a while know that if you don’t get the requirements right, it really doesn’t matter how well you execute the rest of the project. But eliciting, analyzing, specifying, validating, and managing requirements is hard, and not everyone understands why it’s so critical. This presentation describes seven critical success factors that will go a long way toward making the requirements activities in your organization pay off for the many project stakeholders. 
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Requirements for Business Analytics
In this presentation, we will offer advice on tackling requirements for business analytics projects. This webinar outlines how to elicit strategic analytics decisions to help prioritize requirements work, and how to prepare for the future of big data by specifying data needs. Participants will hear examples of questions they can use to engage businesses to think outside the box about their requirements, and consider new possibilities from analytics projects.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Requirements vs. System Documentation
Effective BAs have to be good translators. They must be able to speak the language of the business, effectively interpret it for the analytical minds of the technical implementers, plus find the right vehicles to convey the information. This webinar will provide you with practical tips and real life best practice recommendations for effectively managing requirements specifications and supportive documentation in the 21st century. 
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Evolve Your Definition of Traceability
Join us for an opportunity to rethink traditional traceability and learn how to provide critical information and context faster. Your projects are complex—these tips help save time and simplify how you manage the countless decisions and pieces of information you need to track to deliver great products.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: SQL for the Business Analyst - How to be an expert without knowing how to code

Data preparation is another problem analysts are challenged with, and knowing how write expert SQL to query and join it all. In this webinar, the database experts at Dell Software will show different tips and tricks to make you a SQL expert without writing a line of code, and how to automate SQL queries and reporting.

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ON DEMAND Webinar: Agile Best Practices for BAs: Accelerating Collaboration, Integrity and Innovation
As a Business Analyst, you are chartered to orchestrate the successful delivery of innovative products... Join this webinar to gain detailed insights on how leading organizations have been able to address the changing realities of modern software development, and learn actionable tactics to achieve product success.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Collaborative Requirements for BAs: Keeping Future Projects on Track
If you’re like most BAs, you spend too much time reporting status, explaining context and tracking decisions. In this session, learn tips and tools to help you keep your teams aligned, provide better visibility and maintain a continuous feedback loop so you can spend less time reporting and more time innovating.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Stand Up and Deliver Great Product with Collaborative Requirements
We will discuss the value of real-time collaboration, where everything is connected through bi-directional traceability, and all collaborators have access to the information and functionality they need to succeed. We’ll demonstrate why engaging stakeholders early and in context provides a clear path forward and helps uncover issues before defects occur. And we will share how easy access to previous work products combined with fully linked variant and change management can bring your team collaboration to the next level.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: A Modern Take on the Agile Manifesto for Today’s BA
So what does today’s agile look like? Do the values of the manifesto still apply? When did Agile become more about process and less about the mindset? How can we merge the intention of the manifesto with the new way we work? How can we evolve agile concepts to tackle the challenges of today in a new way?
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Business Requirements Scoping Techniques
In this webinar you’ll learn how to define clear business objectives and corresponding success metrics, how to craft a focused vision statement, and how to specify other elements of the business requirements. We’ll also explore four different scope representation techniques you can apply at any phase of a project.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Use Case Technique: An Overview
Use cases are an effective and widely used technique for eliciting software requirements. The use-case approach focuses on the goals that users have with a system, rather than emphasizing system functionality. This webinar presents an overview of the use-case approach to requirements elicitation in a practical and straightforward fashion.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Best Practices for Designing, Formatting and Publishing Better Reports
In this informative webinar, get best practices for designing, formatting and publishing better reports straight from Peter Evans is the Business Intelligence and Analytics Product Evangelist for Dell Software Group.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Best Practices in Analytics and Visualization: A Case Study
Visualization and self-service analytics is changing how business analysts and business users gather, process and consume data.  This webinar will show customer profiles and in-depth live demos so you can see how organizations are taking advantage of the best new analytics practices.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: BA Effectiveness through Social Traceability & Collaboration
In this webinar we'll discuss the value of past collaboration and the role it plays in providing traceability and context for teams across the organization. We’ll demonstrate why engaging with stakeholders early and capturing project context provides a clear path for engineering to understand, react, and engage with your product team. This will enable the BA to interact with engineering on a much more iterative and agile way.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Agile Collaboration to Improve Requirements Productivity
Join this webinar and learn how to improve your requirements and save time by collaborating more efficiently while staying in control of your project.
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