This session will: * Describe the limitations of spreadsheet based approaches to documenting, analyzing and managing business rules * Explain how an enterprise rule repository can address these deficiencies while creating an information asset that can be leveraged across the organization * Identify three “must have” attributes of a true enterprise repository
Join us to find out how business analysts like you are modeling business processes as lists of activities, as well as traditional workflows. Because real-life processes can be more dynamic than flowcharts depict – and structured in different, non-linear ways - trying to model and fit dynamic business flows into structured BPM models has been a challenge. Now there’s an alternative.
In this session we’ll discover how the “agency within” model can be successfully implemented with visualization bridging normally siloed teams and creating new and productive workflows.
In this webinar you will find out how: * Business Analysts visualized the solution before development * Haworth achieved a 50% shorter requirements cycle along with 50% cost savings, * BAs in the front-end tech team used visualization tools to create working prototypes * Visualization improved communication between business and IT
When applied in the right process, visualization can be a very effective strategy for achieving amazing results, as we see in this Web seminar highlighting a specific case study with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The lessons learned from this project can be applied to many other industries, so this Web seminar is must-see for all business analysts, designers and project managers who want to deliver better business software faster and with less cost.
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