Webinars - Business/Systems Analysis

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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Thoughtless Design of Everyday Things
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Why do so many software systems and physical products seem to have been designed by someone who has never used a product like that before? This presentation explores that mystery. You’ll see numerous examples of thoughtlessly designed products that violate nine principles of good design, along with some examples of particul...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Business Model Resiliency: Moving to Online Services for lowest Total Cost of Ownership
ABOUT THE WEBINAR The post-pandemic economy is accelerating digital transformation in almost every organization. There’s a rush to move everything online as new business models emerge to provide zero contact “touchless” services. At the same time, many businesses are struggling with fewer resources and slashed budgets, making...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Business Analyst and Blockchain Technology
ABOUT THE WEBINAR How can we trust people we don’t know to perform transactions correctly, completely and accurately on the Internet? The answer to that, at least for now, is the Blockchain. The Blockchain is more than simply the mechanism by which Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies function. Blockchain has worked its way into...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Business Analyst and Behavioural Analytics
ABOUT THE WEBINAR You are being watched. You are being tracked. You are being followed. No, you haven’t fallen into a spy novel or a scene from 1984. This is behavioral analytics. Analyzing actions taken online to determine behavioral anomalies for purposes of identifying products that could be of interest to you, general trends in usage...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Business Analyst and AI / Machine Learning
ABOUT THE WEBINAR It seems that today nothing can be marketed without including the words “artificial intelligence” or “machine learning”. Are they just marketing terms? Or is there something behind the marketing jargon? Is AI truly going to impact every facet of business offering unprecedented ways of innovating and gr...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Applied Requirements Engineering: Getting the best out of your RE Process
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Requirements Engineers and Business Analysts have to deal with a wide variety of products to be developed. At one end of the scale, we have small office applications used in a single company by a limited number of users to produce invoices etc., while at the other end we have complex socio-technical systems such as autonomous veh...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: How BAs Can Achieve Business Maturity: The Prerequisite for Agile Projects
ABOUT THE WEBINAR A central business object repository is not hard to set up; and it delivers substantial value by creating and maintaining operational maturity, which is a prerequisite for an organization to be agile. every organization has many perspectives,  the age-old problem of silos of information persists in the era of big d...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Step-by-Step Guide to Delivering Webinars that Win Customers: 6 Tips for Creating Webinars that Drive Business
ABOUT THE WEBINAR In a new world where marketers can't run conferences, and sales teams can't meet with customers in person, web events have become the go-to strategy for building opportunity. Modern Analyst has partnered with our highest rated webinar speaker ever, Keith Ellis, to share with you the secrets of his success. Keith will sha...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Digital Design Professional - 3 Essential Steps to Innovative Digital Solutions
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Since the invention of the iPhone, the world has rapidly accelerated towards a more digital future. While we once focused primarily on seeking solutions for unsatisfied needs, increasingly we now shift our focus towards creating digital solutions for emerging needs. Whether our ideas will become as successful as Airbnb, Netflix...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Applied Requirements Engineering: How to increase project success in any project setting
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Key Message: Requirements Engineering (RE) skills are massively underestimated in many projects Today, software development must cope with multiple challenges:Increased complexity of system and environment New competitors that arrive in the digital market space Limited time-to-market for new products Stret...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The BA and Data Mining
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Data mining has been considered the province of the data scientist and data analyst. But the data scientists and data analysts only solve the business problems that are given to them provided those business problems can be solved with data.   Someone has to analyze the processes and conditions of the business to determine wha...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The BA and Business Analytics
ABOUT THE WEBINAR It might be easy for the business analyst to pass the challenges of business analytics, with all of the statistics, math, algorithms, programming in strange languages like R and Python off to the data analysts and data scientists but at the same time we may find that we are passing control of the business and of our careers to ...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The BA and Digital Transformations
ABOUT THE WEBINAR We business analysts are familiar with automation. We’ve been recommending changes in business to further automate manual procedures and to improve the current automated processes. However we are in the throes of a total disruption in which the mere automation of processes is no longer enough. We are looking at fully au...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Digital Design Professional for Today’s Digital Ecosystem
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Today’s innovative digital solutions are driven by technology and disruptive business models. To design a digital solution, you need to consider hardware, software, the physical environment, and the desired business model as well as the people that will use the system. Look for example at a Smart Home solution where light...
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Executive Guide to Using Process Mining to Succeed in Major Transformations
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Executives have unique issues when facing major transformation projects: they are accountable for the business case, the risk is higher, and there is extreme time pressure to achieve business outcomes. The perspective of executives is NOT project-centric; executives must focus on guarding the customer experience throughout the...
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