Webinars - Business/Systems Analysis

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ON DEMAND Webinar: The Use Case Technique: An Overview
Use cases are an effective and widely used technique for eliciting software requirements. The use-case approach focuses on the goals that users have with a system, rather than emphasizing system functionality. This webinar presents an overview of the use-case approach to requirements elicitation in a practical and straightforward fashion.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Requirements Management Best Practices
Requirements development deals with getting good software requirements. Requirements management addresses the challenges of handling these requirements as the project proceeds over time. This presentation summarizes several best practices for requirements management.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: 10 Key Business Analysis Trends for 2012
The world of business analysis is changing and changing fast. Are you and your organization prepared for those changes? Are you prepared to weather the upheaval and be as agile as the next competing organization?
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ON DEMAND Webinar: How the Business Analysts can Align Agile Development with Business Priorities
Join this event and learn key ideals of Agile and challenges faced by Business Analysts. Jama Software will focus on what they’ve heard as the top challenges of Agile development and how to solve them.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Being Rational in an Accelerated World
Tired of having tools that slow your requirements discovery and management? Many tools cannot support highly accelerated requirements elicitation - IBM Rational® Requirements Composer® can. We're going to show you how - and - we're going to change your thinking on how to configure tools and analyst teams to get greater performance and efficiency.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Using Visio® 2010 and SharePoint® 2010 for Process Management: Practical Tips and Customer Examples
Microsoft Visio 2010 and SharePoint 2010 offer powerful, easy new ways to model, manage and monitor business processes. This webcast will focus on how to get the most out the new capabilities. We’ll spend the webcast showing the new features and talking about how customers are already using them to improve their processes.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Avoiding the Data Baggage Trap – A Practical Approach to Data Mapping and Traceability

Data exists to support systems, analytical, and management processes. However, the existence of data alone doesn’t ensure that these processes can be undertaken seamlessly. A seamless undertaking depends heavily on how useable, or meaningful a dataset is, and on how well the processes that created the dataset are understood. Every company today has some level of data “baggage”. Data baggage is made up of all those legacy systems, data stores, and reports that are heavily relied on, but whose domain knowledge has been slowly lost over the years.

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ON DEMAND Webinar: Text is Dead: How Requirements Visualization is Changing the Game at HealthMEDX
Tired of having projects miss the mark because of poor requirements? Tired of delays and rework? Just plain tired of working overtime only to have frustrated customers? Is there a way to eliminate the wasted time and cost of missed requirements? Fortunately, the answer is: “Yes!”
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Harmonizing Agility & Discipline
This session demystifies the wide range of agile and more traditional requirements and development methodologies. The session looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and gives prescriptive guidelines to requirements leadership looking to improve results by striking a better balance between agile and disciplined practices. This session refocused the agility versus discipline dialogue: it is not that these practices are mutually exclusive - the real issue is to look at your current circumstances and find the right balance to maximize success.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: How the Business Analyst can Succeed in a BPM World: Creating High Caliber Business Processes
As a Business Analyst asked to help improve operations and customer services, you may be aware of terms such as BPM, KPI’s, and Web Services. If not, you will be...  During this Webinar we would like to take you through how a modern BA develops and navigates a large-scale business process automation project. This BA will be asked to interface between business users and IT to help create a Web-based application that streamlines the business process.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Outsourcing Requirements Discovery
This session is for business analysts and project managers that sometimes need to contract externally for requirements discovery services in order to make their project a success. This session shares hard facts, case studies, and a wealth of experience in successful – and not so successful – contracting approaches for the senior project manager. Supercharging a project by accelerating the requirements discovery phase is a solid strategy – but how do you ensure the company will get solid business value from the activity?
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Learn the 11 Habits for Highly Successful Business Process Management Programs
Driving long-term business benefit and success with business process management (BPM) often requires companies to develop new ways of looking at familiar challenges.

Join IBM for this educational webcast and learn 11 practical approaches to technology, skills, and organizational structure that will help you establish repeatable models for BPM success.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Relational Databases for the Business Analyst
In this webinar, database expert Mark Kurtz will walk you through the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), the role it plays within the enterprise, and discuss best practices that can be applied to querying, viewing and validating data. With nearly three decades of database experience, Mark has been working with data and business analysts, developers, and DBA’s to be more productive with the databases they work with.
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Fast Tracking Projects
So you’ve been assigned a complex, poorly defined project concept… now what? Nothing is worse (or better) for a senior project manager or business analyst than being handed a project that is: strategic, very large, and way outside your comfort zone in complexity. These projects will sometimes roll around the halls of big companies for months while they struggle to gain sufficient momentum and clarity to really move forward with a sense of purpose and direction. Let’s say one of these career-bruisers/-builders is yours? What do you do next?
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ON DEMAND Webinar: Leveraging Software Visualization to Elicit, Validate and Communicate Requirements
A growing number of companies have seen the light, and are currently enjoying enormous gains in the value of their development dollars as they implement software visualization as a core component of their requirements definition process. In turn, the role of business analysts in these organizations becomes increasingly important as they are tasked with transforming ambiguous business requirements into crystal-clear simulations that enable tighter feedback loops and faster iterations, and ultimately provide developers with a near-perfect roadmap to meeting the project’s objectives.
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