I was wondering if you could provide some advice regarding
a. structured methodologies for the identification of user requirements and the development of specifications; (I came across this post http://www.modernanalyst.com/Community/Forums/tabid/76/forumid/17/threadid/5180/scope/posts/Default.aspx which was interesting; however, I am looking for more specific methodologies/ process steps that will structure identification of requirements and development of specifications)
b. some of the widely used CASE tools in Canada - from your personal experience, which one would you recommend?
Many thanks Evrim
Ask yourself what are your goals? Who are the project stakehodlers and who do you need to communicate with? What do they need to here?
How will you ensure the messages you faciliate are clear and umabigous?
Create a plan, work the plan and change it as you discover new things.
You might want to investigate the BABOK also.
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