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Business Analysis

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Traceability is one of the lesser understood aspects of business analysis. It is indeed quite hard to maintain good traceability unless automated. This is why BABoK® warns us being theoretical about traceability. In this article, I would like to explain traceability concepts with help of an example. BABoK® definition of traceability: ...
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This entry was published on Apr 04, 2018 / LN Mishra, CBAP. Posted in Business Analysis. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Around this time 12 months ago Gartner predicted that half of EA Business Architecture initiatives in 2018 would focus on defining and enabling Digital Platform Strategies. While there hasn’t been follow up research to prove whether this prediction has come true, anecdotal evidence would suggest that the real situation is pretty close. In th...
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This entry was published on Feb 13, 2018 / EA Learning. Posted in Business Analysis. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
The age of cloud computing is now so firmly established that research firm Gartner predicted by 2020, a corporate "no-cloud" policy will be as rare as a "no-internet" policy is today. In the same press release, Gartner went on to predict that spending on compute power sold by cloud providers will exceed that of compute power sol...
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This entry was published on Dec 25, 2017 / Limor Wainstein. Posted in Business Analysis. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
If you are building a reusable Security Product tool to specifically address Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)  Findings, should the requirements be considered Non Functional Requirements or Functional Requirements? For example if there are a number of STIGs such as: The minimum password length shall be 15 characters Th...
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This entry was published on Aug 22, 2017 / Peter. Posted in Functional Specifications, Business Analysis. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
Current State For many years now, the most commonly used metaphor on Business Analysis has been the “Bridge”. However, in recent past, some in the BA community have started revisiting the metaphor resulting in a debate on how relevant it is. Of course, the value business analysis can provide for an organization does not depend on how i...
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This entry was published on Jun 25, 2017 / Ronak Sanghavi. Posted in Business Analysis, Roles and Responsibilities. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
 Challenges in Implementation:     I’m a strong believer of putting finishing touch to any initiative. Project Initiation is always tough and complex and need lots of research but if BA is unable to give the finishing touch then he is not done yet. So, I thought to put few of my views, challenges and observations during...
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This entry was published on Mar 20, 2017 / Sanjay Yadav. Posted in Business Analysis, Roles and Responsibilities. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
There are hundreds of traits that make up a good manager, but here are the top 9 skills we recommend for a business analysis leader - or any leader in general. 1. See Design as a Differentiator Anyone can design but not everyone designs well.  Who cares?  Frustrated users care.  Seeing design as important sets you apart from all ot...
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This entry was published on Sep 07, 2016 / Paul Crosby. Posted in Business Analysis, Leadership & Management. Bookmark the Permalink or E-mail it to a friend.
As business analysts, we are often in the fray of designing.  Whether it’s a user interface, report or data fed from one system to another; business analysts create interfaces with human beings and systems.  Our design choices impact users and other systems in a very real way.  This power can go unnoticed even in our own minds....
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Scope – the last frontier.  We are on a mission where no business analyst has gone before.  To explore strange new diagrams and to have the project scope clearly understood.  Extra credit to those who remember which TV show that was from!  Scope and context are the number one reason business expectations about a project ar...
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Being a badass isn’t about intimidation or trying to be something you simply are not.  It’s about knowing who you are and using your strengths to drive forward.  So let’s look at a few of the ways to be a badass in business: 1. Passion for Your Craft Is a Powerful and Infectious Energy Showing passion for your work in ...
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As we start a new year many of us will take the time to reflect on our accomplishments from 2012 and plan our goals for 2013. We can set small or large goals. goals that will be accomplished quickly or could take several years. For 2013, I think Business Analysts should look to go beyond our traditional boundaries and set audacious goals. Merriam-...
Recently, I was asked by the IIBA to present a talk at one of their chapter meetings. I am reprinting here my response to that invitation in the hope that it will begin a conversation with fellow EEPs and BAs about an area of great concern to the profession. Hi xx …. Regarding the IIBA talk, there is another issue that I am considering. It's p...
Continuing the ABC series for Business Analysts, Howard Podeswa created the next installment titled "BA ABCs: “C” is for Class Diagram" as an article rather than a blog post. You can find the article here: BA ABCs: “C” is for Class Diagram Here are the previous two posts: BA ABCs: “A” is for Activity Diagram BA ABCs: “B” is for BPMN


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