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New Post 3/2/2011 7:12 AM
User is offline jithoo
8 posts
10th Level Poster

Is Business Analysis a lateral or a vertical move for a tech writer? 

 Is Business Analysis a lateral or a vertical move for a tech writer. Even if the tech writer does not know on certain areas, can some brushing up on knowledge help in moving laterally into BA, without the need to be demoted remuneratively by starting of as a junior BA.

New Post 3/3/2011 2:13 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Is Business Analysis a lateral or a vertical move for a tech writer? 

 Hi Jithoo,

I think you're selling yourself short. I've found that good tech writers know more than anyone else. A tech writer I knew moved from that position into a development manager position for no other reason than he knew the system better than anyone else. At least move to an equivalent lateral move.


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