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New Post 2/25/2011 3:08 AM
User is offline surjit
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Need Career Advice 

Hi All,

I am into testing and QA for the past 7+ years and have good experience in testing customised software solutions mainly in Telecom domain. My educational background is "Bachelor's in Computer Science & Engineering" and MBA (Marketing). Now, I want to move into a more Business oriented and client facing role. Secondly, I feel that being in QA, I am doing justice to my Bachelor's degree but not using my MBA at all.

Would it be a good idea to switch to BA. I attended a "Foundation of BA" course offered by BABOK in my company and found it quite interesting. How is the Carrer Path of a BA as compared to a QA.

Best Regards,


New Post 2/25/2011 10:58 AM
User is offline htbaBA
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Need Career Advice 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 2/27/2011 2:16:36 AM)

Regardless of what you do in the industry you will be doing BA related tasks.  If you eventually want to get into project management, it might be a good decision to switch to BA.

What are your career goals?


New Post 2/27/2011 10:36 PM
User is offline surjit
2 posts
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Re: Need Career Advice 

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I do want to get into Project / Engagement Management. I want to learn about requirements and scope management, project management, team and people management. I feel I can add more value if I get into these areas. Can you please give me a comparison between the career path of a QA and BA. If I choose the BA path, what position should I  expect myself to be 5 years from now. Similarly, if I continue as a QA (currently team lead level) where can I expect to be 5 years down the line.

Thanks and Regards,


New Post 2/28/2011 2:33 AM
User is offline jithoo
8 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Need Career Advice 


According to me you don't need an intermediary stop of being a BA to get into project  management. A QA can easily scale up to it. Profession-wise QA engineers have tremendous demand. Your growth will be to a QA manager and to a director of quality assurance. You can start defining quality rules even for the manufacturing industry. Quality is as important as the product.

Quality heads are required almost everywhere. In almost all departments of an organization. Not just software, and hardware. Even in business processes. You just need to know the principles and theories of six sigma quality management.

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