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New Post 10/17/2015 4:47 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Some Of These Job Ads Make Me Laugh 

"Entry Level Tier 1 Help Desk"

Remember ... Entry Level ... Tier 1

* Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science.

* Technical Training or Certificates.

* 2-5 years’ experience of technical support, networking, operating systems.

* Knowledge of troubleshooting tools and technologies (Mongoose, Reflections, MCTII, SFDC, Jave, Web Browser, Web Services, Email, Telnet, Wifi, Satellite, Cellular).

* Experience with relational database management systems.

ETC ...

Some Entry Level Job ...

New Post 11/1/2015 4:18 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Some Of These Job Ads Make Me Laugh 

I'm starting to see more companies posting this in job ads ...

 "Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent, or equivalent work experience"

"equivalent work experience" should help more people find jobs without that degree ... and even if you had some computer degree from back in the 70's, how much would that Key Punching,  COBOL, Fortran, Small Talk, Assembler, etc. help you today ?

Anyway, just apply even if they want a PHD ... you might have technical experience they need.

New Post 11/9/2015 1:04 PM
User is offline vlookup
39 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Some Of These Job Ads Make Me Laugh 

I agree just apply.  

Some of these requirements are silly.  That job you posted probably pays 15 an hr lol

New Post 10/16/2019 8:02 PM
User is offline SSH
1 posts
No Ranking

Re: Some Of These Job Ads Make Me Laugh 
2019 and I still see BA contract postings like this.
New Post 10/31/2019 2:44 AM
User is offline Stewart F
119 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Some Of These Job Ads Make Me Laugh 

Hi NitWitNick

As a BA Manager I can explain why it is you get adverts like these. I also can give a bit of advice about what to do with them.

So why the adverts in the first place? As you all rightly point out, the chances of getting someone like that is extraordinarily remote. The reality - they know this and they don't actually expect to see anyone with such skills applying for such a role. As a hiring manager, if I did see someone with a degree + several years experience + all of the Hardware/Software stack experience, it would raise a number of red flags in my mind about that potential candidate – why are they applying for such a low role?

The reason why you see such adverts is that the hiring manager, or indeed even a BA, don't write the adverts. Typically they are written by someone in HR instead. That HR person probably has no actual idea about the role itself and what is or isn't reasonable. They may (and I stress may) ask the manager what he or she wants exactly, and he or she will rattle off some traits that they want to see in their new BA. However, this is not the norm in such companies.

The problem is that most companies, especially larger ones, have a Skills matrix which applies to all jobs. Within that matrix are certain levels - lets say 1 to 5. Each role, from Finance Director through to Toilet Cleaner will fall somewhere within one of those 5 levels. Depending on what level the role falls in, the more "Requirements" are needed for a candidate. E.g. a degree, x years’ experience etc. 

Companies deliberately set the bar high. They don't actually believe they will find this person, but they start at the top and work their way down. So as people have already mentioned - just because the advert states they want someone with a degree, 5 years’ experience and multiple knowledge points, it does NOT mean that's what you have to have. 

Indeed, you don't even have to have any of them. Your example of an entry level job is a good example. Again, it’s all about finding the person closest to that bar. Let’s give an example of your entry level job.

30 people apply - of those:

§  5 Have a degree (It doesn't have to be the one mentioned - again that's setting the bar as high as possible)

§  3 Have the necessary experience

§  3 Have some (it wont be all) technical/system experience.

§  The others have none of the above,


So, as Hiring Manager, I look through all of the applications for the role. The ones that closest match to the advert for the role are considered first. In this example, it may be someone/some people in either Group 1 or Group 2 – These will not have every trait required, but they are closest to it. So they are the first to possibly be interviewed. It's important to remember that just because you fit into this (probably small) group - it doesn't mean you are guaranteed an interview. 


Why is that? Well the reality is that the HR/Company have their values that they are looking for and the Hiring Manager has his or hers. It’s crazy I know, but it is often the way. Of course you won't know these, as they aren't in the advert, typically though, they are so called 'soft' skills - are you happy to ask questions, do you have a proven desire to improve yourself etc. 

If the Hiring Manager either doesn't find anyone suitable (either via an interview or just by looking through CVs), then he or she moves on to the next group, again those next closest to the 'Ideal candidate'. The process continues until the Hiring Manager has found who THEY are looking for. 

So, my advice to people is this:

1.      If you like the look of a job then apply anyway. Highlight what areas in your CV you think are closest to what they want, or skills you know will be required. 

2.      Just because it says it in the advert, it doesn't mean it's set in stone. For example, If you have a degree - great ! If you don't, don't let that stop you.

3.     Even if you think you would fall into group 3 or 4 (see my example above), don't let that stop you from applying. It’s very likely that you will be in the most common group, so you have as good a chance as anyone else. 

4.      Lastly two other things to remember - if you don't apply, you can’t get the job and secondly, if you get an interview, maybe even are offered the role, it doesn't mean you have to accept it. An interview is a two way thing. It's there for YOU to see if YOU like THEM as well as them seeing if they like you.

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