Hi Neha,
A Business Analyst has several steps they can take in their careers.
1. Junior BA
2. MId level BA
3. Senior BA
4. Lead BA
5. BA Manager
6. Assistant or Deputy Change Manager/Director (Its called different names in different companies)
7. Change Director
8. A place on the company Board (if point 7 doesn't already achieve this).
You can also diverse into Project Management, Systems Analyst or even development if you wish.
The key to any BA is having a logical mind. Look at a problem, split the problem down, answer the components design a solution (there is more, but in a nutshell that's it).
How to become a BA is the next step. In this forum roughly 80% of Users are from the US. It seems to me that in the US having a certification of some kind is key, but in Europe that is not the case. Not sure about Africa.
In Europe experience is key. So my advice is normally to apply for Junior BA roles, and work your way up over a couple of years at each step. I have 28 years experience as a BA, and am now at step 6. So its not a quick journey and you have to be flexible in both your working location and what responsibilities you take on.
If you want to know what the next steps for yourself are I would suggest you follow these:
1. Find out where BA jobs are advertised - i.e. how do you get a job - is it through a Job Agency for example?
2. Look at the jobs advertised - what is it they are asking for most commonly. For example do a majority of adverts ask for you to have a certification of some kind, or do they ask more for you to have 3 years experience? Whichever it is they ask for the most, that's what you need.
If it is experience then start looking at Junior BA roles (I'd do this anyway to be honest). Create a LinkedIn profile, make yourself searchable and make sure people know you are looking for new opportunities. Update your CV or create one if you don't have one, and then apply for the roles that match your criteria (location, type of role etc,)
Don't expect to get a job straight away, it takes time and perseverance but keep going.
Good luck with the search and feel free to message me if you need any help.