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New Post 2/27/2014 8:33 PM
User is offline SMM
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How to Start with BA career 


I am working as an application support engineer and my IT experience has only been in IT service & operations till now.

I am thinking of making a career change and move to business analysis, but see there are quite a few chalenges as I am not from a development / design background. Most of the courses and study material requires a basic knowlegde of the best practices (like SDLC, Agile etc.) to be efficient in BA.

I understand this would be a hard nut to crack, but could anyone help me understand how I need to proceed? What fundamentals I need to tackle and understand first?

I have already started with a few Self Study books on requirement analysis etc. but would need a little help in how I could plan this out.

Many thanks.



New Post 2/28/2014 7:27 PM
User is offline veloxsoftware
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Re: How to Start with BA career 


Im a Business Analyst  - Consultant position, I would like to share you inputs how you can move further to business Analyst Role.

Point 1: You should be good enought to understand the business logic of your industry or your Clients. So that you can analyse their business requirement on higher level.

Point 2: Core work of business analyst lays on technical side, as he closely work with client application requirement and operation team.

For further inputs you can get in touch with Velox Software Training, JPNagar 2nd Phase - BA Insitute.


New Post 3/24/2014 10:31 AM
User is offline Vitaver
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Re: How to Start with BA career 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 3/24/2014 3:48:13 PM)

     Hi, I am working for an IT staffing company. We often come across issues as yours. Below I compiled a list of basic skills for this position.

Moreover, I would advice you to enroll into some courses where you can get a certification. It will look good on your resume as well as you will get knowledge and experience.

  • Customer service
  • Ability to think strategically
  • Ability to communicate well
  • Ability to collaborate with others
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership
  • Customer orientation (customer service by another name)
  • Results orientation
  • Willingness to drive and embrace change
  • Curiosity


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