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New Post 2/24/2014 8:23 AM
User is offline siranjeevi
4 posts
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Help Needed-Business Analyst Role 

Dear All,

I am working as Business Analyst for past 1 and half years in India.

Basically, I'm taking care of Web design development, Web application development, E-commerce website development projects i.e. From Client interaction, requirement Gathering till project closure but I'm unable to figure out which domain I belong to. Kindly also let me know about Functional Area I belong to.

Thanks in Advance,



New Post 2/24/2014 2:18 PM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Help Needed-Business Analyst Role 

 I see lots of Development in there ... 

Do you find out what someone needs and then develop it, test it and implement it yourself ("till project closure") ...


Do you find out what someone needs, writes specs and then passes it on for others to manage and develop the project ("till project closure")?


Depending on your answer ... You could be a Developer, BA, BSA or BA/PM.

New Post 2/25/2014 2:32 PM
User is offline siranjeevi
4 posts
No Ranking

Re: Help Needed-Business Analyst Role 

Dear Nick,

I belongs to second category.

There are number of domains for Business Analyst role right? eg: Banking and Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Telecome, Retail etc

Like the specified domains i belong to which domain becuase I am taking care of all enquiries/projects of following

eg: content management system website for an company, e-commerce website-online booking of health care services etc.

so I belongs to which domain?



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