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Webinar: Create an Efficient Process-Oriented Enterprise Using a Process Knowledge Base

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Processes – the heart of getting work done. Drawing business process diagrams is the easy part. Making sure that they provide value across the enterprise, that people use them, users understand them, and managers can manage them – that’s a different story.

This seminar will show you:
• How, in easy steps, build a knowledge base that supports people at all levels get their job done, and done well.
• How to create process diagrams quickly and easily
• How to leverage existing information assets and business objects
• How to work collaboratively across all disciplines within the enterprise.
• How to contextualize processes with capabilities, supporting technologies, and value streams
• How to perform root cause analysis using the contextualized representations and identify areas for immediate improvement and quick wins.

This seminar will demonstrate that connections are important:
• A Process Definition has little value unless it is connected with capabilities, supporting technologies, and so on.
• A Value Stream definition is pretty useless without links to the components that make it happen.
• Technology can be an expensive problem unless it is linked to strategy and process.

We will show you how to visualize an entire enterprise in a way that is meaningful to all levels and will help you to mature your organization into an exemplar of best practice, in easy low-cost steps.

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

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